Aminet 1 (Walnut Creek)
Aminet - June 1993 [Walnut Creek].iso
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Assembly Source File
404 lines
* IOTest.asm - ©1990 by The Puzzle Factory
* Performs some simple tests on the I/O Expansion Board Hardware.
* History: 08/15/89 V0.50 Created by Jeff Lavin
* 11/25/90 V0.51 Converted to new syntax, de-ARPed program.
* 12/03/90 V0.52 Killed a small bug.
* [To all: Please don't forget to bump the revision numbers if you do *any*
* modifications at all. -Jeff]
* Usage: 1> IOTest <Test Number>
* Where <Test Number> is one of the following:
* 1 = Read VIA0 2 = Write VIA0
* 3 = Read VIA1 4 = Write VIA1
* 5 = Read ACIA0 6 = Write ACIA0
* 7 = Read ACIA1 8 = Write ACIA1
* 9 = Term ACIA1
* Typing no arguments, or any non-decimal character will cause these
* instructions to be printed.
* There are no error messages if anything goes wrong. Feel free to add them.
* Do *not* use 'run' with test 9. If you need another CLI, use NewCLI.
* None of these tests requires any drivers or other software to be used.
* Tests 1-8 do either a read or write of the hardware and after checking for
* a ^C, loop continuously. These tests are mostly useful for checking if
* chip select signals exist with a logic probe.
* Test 9 must be used with a terminal. The executable is hardwired for 9600
* baud and must be reassembled, or zapped, for other baud rates. The test
* works as follows:
* 1. ACIA0 is initialized for 9600 baud, 1 stop bit, 8 data bits, no parity
* 2. The console is set to RAW mode to allow getting single chars without
* having to type returns.
* 3. A character is read from the local console (the Amiga). If the
* character is an ESC, go to step 9.
* 4. The character is echoed back to the local console.
* 5. The character is then echoed to the terminal.
* 6. A character is read from the terminal. This function does not block.
* You should type the character on the terminal *before* you type the
* character on the console in step 3.
* 7. This character is then echoed to the local console.
* 8. Loop back to step 3.
* 9. Reset console to CON mode, and exit.
* Notes:
* RAW modes does not support ^C. Also, ^C might get eaten if you try running
* this program from a debugger.
;Set Tabs | | | |
objfile 'ram:IOTest'
macfile 'Includes:IOexp.i' ;The One & Only include file
IOTest movea.l a0,a2
move.l d0,d2 ;Save cmd line
lea (DosName,pc),a1 ;Open DOS library
moveq #0,d0
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS OpenLibrary
movea.l d0,a6
tst.l d0
bne.b 1$
1$ SYS Input
move.l d0,d5
beq.b Cleanup
SYS Output
move.l d0,d6 ;Output filehandle
beq.b Cleanup
movea.l a2,a0 ;Get cmd line
lea (0,a0,d2.w),a1
2$ cmpi.b #' ',-(a1) ;Eat trailing garbage
dbhi d2,2$
blt.b 4$ ;If no arguments, quit
clr.b (1,a1) ;Null terminate the string
moveq #0,d0
3$ move.b (a0)+,d0 ;Get a char
beq.b 4$ ;Nothing there
cmpi.b #' ',d0 ;Skip leading spaces
bls.b 3$
subi.b #'0',d0 ;Check values
bmi.b 4$
cmpi.b #9,d0
bls.b 5$
4$ lea (HelpMsg,pc),a0
bsr Puts
bra.b Cleanup
5$ subq.w #1,d0 ;0 to (n-1)
lsl.w #1,d0 ;WORD index
move.w d0,-(sp)
move.w (TextTable,pc,d0.w),d0
lea (Text1,pc),a0
lea (a0,d0.w),a0
bsr Puts ;Write test name
move.w (sp)+,d0
move.w (FuncTable,pc,d0.w),d0
jsr (Test1,pc,d0.w)
Cleanup movea.l a6,a1
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS CloseLibrary
moveq #0,d0
TextTable dw Text1-Text1
dw Text2-Text1
dw Text3-Text1
dw Text4-Text1
dw Text5-Text1
dw Text6-Text1
dw Text7-Text1
dw Text8-Text1
dw Text9-Text1
FuncTable dw Test1-Test1
dw Test2-Test1
dw Test3-Test1
dw Test4-Test1
dw Test5-Test1
dw Test6-Test1
dw Test7-Test1
dw Test8-Test1
dw Test9-Test1
Test1 lea (VIA_Base+VIA0),a5
1$ move.b (ORB,a5),d0 ;Read VIA0
bsr CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test2 lea (VIA_Base+VIA0),a5
1$ moveq #0,d0 ;Write VIA0
move.b d0,(ORB,a5)
bsr CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test3 lea (VIA_Base+VIA1),a5
1$ move.b (ORB,a5),d0 ;Read VIA1
bsr CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test4 lea (VIA_Base+VIA1),a5
1$ moveq #0,d0 ;Write VIA1
move.b d0,(ORB,a5)
bsr CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test5 lea (ACIA_Base+ACIA0),a5
1$ move.b (RDR,a5),d0 ;Read ACIA0
bsr CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test6 lea (ACIA_Base+ACIA0),a5
1$ moveq #0,d0 ;Write ACIA0
move.b d0,(TDR,a5)
bsr CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test7 lea (ACIA_Base+ACIA1),a5
1$ move.b (RDR,a5),d0 ;Read ACIA1
bsr.b CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test8 lea (ACIA_Base+ACIA1),a5
1$ moveq #0,d0 ;Write ACIA1
move.b d0,(TDR,a5)
bsr.b CheckAbort
beq.b 1$
Test9 lea (ACIA_Base+ACIA0),a5
move.b (ISR,a5),d0 ;Term ACIA0
move.b (CSR,a5),d0 ;Clear garbage
move.b (RDR,a5),d0 ;Clear RDRF bit
move.b #Baud_9600,(CTR,a5) ;9600 baud, 1 stop bit, no echo
move.b d0,(FMR,a5) ;8 bits, mark par, no par, DTR hi
1$ lea (Buffer,pc),a2
bsr SetRAWmode ;So we can get single chars
tst.l d0
beq.b 4$ ;Something failed
2$ move.l d5,d1 ;Filehandle
move.l a2,d2 ;Buffer
moveq #1,d3 ;Length
SYS Read ;Get a char from keybd
moveq #-1,d1 ;Check for I/O error
cmp.l d0,d1
beq.b 3$
move.b (a2),d0
cmpi.b #$1B,d0 ;Was an ESC typed?
beq.b 3$ ;Yes, quit
move.l d6,d1 ;Filehandle
SYS Write ;Echo char to local console
moveq #-1,d1 ;Check for I/O error
cmp.l d0,d1
beq.b 3$
move.b (a2),(TDR,a5) ;Echo char to terminal
move.b (RDR,a5),(a2) ;Get a char from terminal
move.l d6,d1 ;Filehandle
SYS Write ;Echo char to local console
moveq #-1,d1 ;Check for I/O error
cmp.l d0,d1
bne.b 2$
3$ bsr SetCONmode ;Reset console
4$ rts
* NAME: CheckAbort()
* FUNCTION: Check for a ^C, and echo if found.
* INPUTS: None.
* RETURN: D0 = 1 if ^C, else 0.
* SCRATCH: D0-D1/A0-A1
CheckAbort moveq #0,d0
move.l a6,-(sp)
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
SYS SetSignal
movea.l (sp)+,a6
beq.b 1$
lea (BrkMsg,pc),a0
bsr.b Puts
moveq #1,d0
1$ rts
* NAME: Puts()
* FUNCTION: Writes a message to stdout.
* INPUTS: A0 = Ptr to message.
* RETURN: None
* SCRATCH: D0-D1/A0-A1
Puts movem.l d2-d3,-(sp)
move.l a0,d3
1$ tst.b (a0)+
bne.s 1$
exg a0,d3
sub.l a0,d3
subq.l #1,d3 ;Length
move.l a0,d2 ;Buffer
move.l d6,d1 ;FileHandle
SYS Write
movem.l (sp)+,d2-d3
SetRAWmode moveq #DOSTRUE,d0
bra.b SendPacket
SetCONmode moveq #DOSFALSE,d0
SendPacket movem.l d2-d3/a2-a3/a6,-(sp)
move.l d0,d2
moveq #0,d3 ;Default return value
movea.l (SysBase).w,a6
bsr CreatePort
movea.l D0,A3
tst.l D0
beq.b 3$
moveq #sp_SIZEOF,d0
SYS AllocMem
movea.l D0,A2
tst.l D0
beq.b 2$
movea.l a2,a1 ;Message
movea.l a2,a0
adda.l #sp_Pkt,A0
move.l A0,(LN_NAME,A1)
move.l A2,(sp_Pkt,A1)
move.l A3,(dp_Port,A0)
move.l #ACTION_SCREEN_MODE,(dp_Type,A0)
move.l d2,(dp_Arg1,A0)
movea.l (ThisTask,a6),a0
bne.b 1$
move.l (pr_ConsoleTask,A0),d0
beq.b 1$
movea.l d0,a0 ;Port
SYS PutMsg
movea.l a3,a0
SYS WaitPort
movea.l a3,a0
SYS GetMsg
move.l (sp_Pkt+dp_Res1,A2),d3
1$ movea.l a2,a1
moveq #sp_SIZEOF,d0
SYS FreeMem
2$ movea.l a3,a0
bsr DeletePort
move.l d3,D0
3$ movem.l (sp)+,d2-d3/a2-a3/a6
CreatePort movem.l d2/a2/a6,-(sp)
moveq #-1,d0
SYS AllocSignal
move.l d0,d2
cmpi.l #-1,d0
beq.b 2$
moveq #MP_SIZE,d0
SYS AllocMem
movea.l d0,a2
tst.l d0
bne.b 1$
move.l d2,d0
SYS FreeSignal
bra.b 2$
1$ move.b #NT_MSGPORT,(LN_TYPE,a2)
move.b d2,(MP_SIGBIT,a2)
move.l (ThisTask,a6),(MP_SIGTASK,a2)
move.l a0,(a0)
addq.l #LH_TAIL,(a0)
clr.l (LH_TAIL,a0)
move.l a0,(LH_TAIL+LN_PRED,a0)
move.l a2,d0
bra.b 3$
2$ moveq #0,d0
3$ movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2/a6
DeletePort movem.l a2/a6,-(sp)
movea.l a0,a2
move.b #-1,(LN_TYPE,a2)
move.l #-1,(MP_MSGLIST,a2)
moveq #0,d0
move.b (MP_SIGBIT,a2),d0
SYS FreeSignal
moveq #MP_SIZE,d0
movea.l a2,a1
SYS FreeMem
movem.l (sp)+,a2/a6
DosName cstr 'dos.library'
BrkMsg cstr '**** Break',10
HelpMsg db 10
db 'Usage:',10
db '1> <Test Number>',10
db ' 1 = Read VIA0',10
db ' 2 = Write VIA0',10
db ' 3 = Read VIA1',10
db ' 4 = Write VIA1',10
db ' 5 = Read ACIA0',10
db ' 6 = Write ACIA0',10
db ' 7 = Read ACIA1',10
db ' 8 = Write ACIA1',10
db ' 9 = Term ACIA1',10,0
Text1 cstr 'Test1: Read VIA0',10
Text2 cstr 'Test2: Write VIA0',10
Text3 cstr 'Test3: Read VIA1',10
Text4 cstr 'Test4: Write VIA1',10
Text5 cstr 'Test5: Read ACIA0',10
Text6 cstr 'Test6: Write ACIA0',10
Text7 cstr 'Test7: Read ACIA1',10
Text8 cstr 'Test8: Write ACIA1',10
Text9 cstr 'Test9: Term ACIA0',10
Buffer dx.b 80